what the hell is this???
next week school starts. and i still feel like im waiting for summer to start!!
i feel angry. i dont know why. i just feel like i havnt made the most of this summer. i havnt done anything. it doesnt feel like it should be almost over. it just hit me. WHAM! school starts next week! klmasldkf ml;a. i just cant believe it. i really cant. i want my summer back. i want to rewind it and start over. choose an alternate ending that leaves me so much happier.
nothing has happened. i didnt take in all of the things i love most about it. the heat didnt happen. i didnt lay in the grass. i didnt search for lemonade stands. i didnt swim. i didnt just sit and do nothing and breath. i love summer air and the feeling and greatness of it. but i didnt take it in. i feel like i missed something. everything. it always means so much to me. its my favorite season. the time for opportunity and a new beginning. but no. i just let it go. and i feel so angry about it. and what sucks is i just cant take it back. it isnt possible.
i wish i had a magic remote like in click.
rewind with me and live
i love you.
i love you.
1 quips:
I definitely wish summer could've lasted longer, though I'll be happy to see everyone again once school starts. Oh, and school supplies shopping is always fun.
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