today before school there was a car crash.
a girl named audie gregory was killed in the accident. she was 16 or 17. her brothers and sisters, whitney, evan, brittany, and justin were sent to the hospital. they were all 14 and 15.
audie was pregnant and her baby wasnt developed enough to be saved.
they announced it on the intercom and the whole school seemed quieter today. i didnt know audie but i kinda know whitney. i didnt really mourn or freak out about it because i wasnt close to any of the people, but a lot of other people did. half the school was gone. they let everyone who needed to talk go to the guidance office and some went home or to their church to talk to their youth pastors. it was amazing to see all the people effected by just five people.
it made me wonder how many people i have left a mark on in my life. have i made a good impression? a bad one? have i improved people? made a shame of myself? been a good example? a bad one? have i impacted someones life enough to change it completely around?
i dont think ill ever know. i dont think anyone knows, how many people youve impacted. you could have changed someones life just by passing them in the street. they could have looked at you and had an idea spark in their head. you could have made someone realize that there is hope for tomorrow. you could have made someone feel loved. let someone know they have a friend. made someone realize that they arent alone and that youre on their side. how many people?
after i die and hopefully go to heaven, will i look back on my life and be proud of what i have done? if i die tomorrow, i dont think i would be. i havnt done much. ive pretty much just floated along and done what i was told and not gone off the path. maybe i should try to work towards something. find some way to change the world. change a life. i want to be remembered for doing something extraordinary.
what will you be remembered for?
will you remember me?
i love you
keep the gregory's and those whos lives were impacted by them in your prayers
3 quips:
Well, you've impacted my life, I'll tell you that.
And I'll definitely pray for them tonight.
I loooove yooh!
and Heyheyhey, my dad has an art opening in Indiana in early December and I might get to go with him; could you come to Evansville for a day, do you think? I would LOVE to see you.
potato pants
you deffinantly have impacted me
and if you die tomorrow
you should be damn proud of
your life, because not many people
do what they know is right
and you do plus tons more[:
i loveeee you hashbrown
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